Sunday, September 16, 2007

R.I.P. Lazarus

I guess it was not meant to raise Lazarus from the dead.

Lazarus is my two-year-old Canon Powershot A95. It conked out on me sometime March, which was too bad because I wasn't able to bring it during Field Bio (which reminds me...di pa pala ako nagkukuwento about Field Bio! Hehehe.) Buti nalang may Bio cam back then, so I had a digicam to use during FB.

So there, when it started taking weird pictures last summer, I took it over to Canon, along with Drew's digicam. Buti naman naayos, and for free! Thus I baptized my digicam (after two years in my possession, hehe) Lazarus, because it was back from the dead.

Last September 8, Laz was with me in Antipolo for my friend Karen's wedding. The night went well (super late nga lang kami ni Andrew - damn faraway Antipolo weddings!), and Laz was still able to take around 40 pics. Then all of a sudden, di na bumubukas yung shutter

I took Lazarus to Canon once again, and the lady there told me the sad sad news - it would take PhP9110 to buy the part they need to replace, plus an additional PhP1900 for service. Which essentially means Laz is retiring, and since I do not have funds for a new camera, I am now without one. I was so proud and happy pa naman when I first got Lazarus.

Tama si Lod sa sinabi niya, "Eh di wala ka nang life ngayon?"

Haaay, sadness. Last Thursday was the start of the Humanities Festival, and I felt so incomplete because I was simply watching the festivities, and I couldn't take pics.

Extra bad trip pa because there are two big gigs coming up - Elliott's Manila visit, and Sugarfree's gig with the Manila Symphony Orchestra. I guess I'll just have to borrow my dad's or Andrew's digicam first.

Oh well. Happy birthday to me.

P.S. Salamat nga pala sa lahat ng bumati sa text, sa Multiply (though the PMs are hard to view now, aren't they?), sa Friendster, sa YM, sa personal :) Thank you all for remembering!

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